Super NotePadEnhanced Power and Control for the NewtonÕs NotePadTable of Contents1 Welcome and Registration1.1 About Super NotePad1.2 Registering Super NotePad1.3 Contacting Stand Alone, Inc.1.3.1 Hours of Business1.3.2 Email1.3.3 Phone1.3.4 Regular Mail1.3.5 World Wide Web2 Installation3 Special Instructions3.1 The NotePad is the NewtonÕs Backdrop 3.2 Updating Super NotePad From an Earlier Version3.3 The Newton Slows Down When Deleting Notes3.4 Soups 4 The Super NotePad Control Bars4.1 Closing the Bar4.2 Date Line4.3 Go To First Note4.4 Go To Last Note4.5 Styles Palette4.6 Notes in Current 4.7 Titles 4.8 Recent 4.9 Font4.10 Style 4.11 Font Size4.12 Previous Note 4.13 Next Note 4.14 Scroll Up 4.15 Scroll Down 4.16 Folder Tab 4.16.1 Protekt4.16.2 Filters5 Super NotePadÕs Note Header 5.1 Information Icon 5.2 Scroll Arrows 5.3 Folders 5.4 The Action Button 5.4.1 Encrypt 5.4.2 Instant Filter 5.4.3 Remove Note Title 5.4.4 Lock Notes5.4.5 Set Alarm 5.4.6 Select All 5.4.7 Move Note 5.4.8 Add To Do5.5 Multiple Filing Button 6 Tags and Filters 6.1 Tags 6.1.1 Filter List 6.1.2 Assigning Tags 6.1.3 Clearing Tags6.1.4 Editing Tags6.2 Filters 7 Super NotePad Preferences 7.1 Store Notes Internally 7.2 Default Note is. . . 7.3 Show All button in the overview status bar 7.4 Always re-encrypt notes after viewing 7.5 Show keyboard in encrypted notes 7.6 Number of Notes in Recent 7.7 Left Hand Controls 7.8 Show sub-folders when viewing parent folder 7.9 Disable ÒDeleteÓ animation 7.10 Sort recent notes most recent to oldest 7.11 Make notes recent by viewing 7.12 DonÕt prompt for password when locking 7.13 Show ÒNotesÓ button in Backdrop 7.14 Update button 7.15 Remove7.16 Show Multiple Filing Button7.17 One Line Overview Items 1 Welcome and Registration 1.1 About Super NotePadWelcome to Super NotePad, an enhancement for the Newton 2.0 and 2.1 OS NotePad. As thename implies, Super NotePad enhances the regular NotePad in several ways. It addsfaster ways to search for notes, several ways to scroll through a note, It alsoencrypts notes, or can lock them so the information cannot be changed. Thisachive includes in this archive are the following packages:Super NotePad.pkg This is the software package that you need to install on yourNewton.Super NotePad.pdf This is the usersÕ manual for Super NotePad. You are reading itright now.Super NotePad.txt This is a text only version of the users manual. If at allpossible, use the pdf version of the manual because it has fulllayout, graphics, and tables that cannot be viewed in thetext version. The pdf version can be viewed using Adobe¨Acrobat Reader¨, which can be obtained free of charge at A list of all of the software available from Stand Alone Inc.SA reg.pkg If there isnÕt a registration option under the button, install thispackage to register your software.1.2 Registering Super NotePadThe Super NotePad Demo will work for a 30 day trial period. At the end of the 30Days, it will stop working. To avert this tragedy, you will need to get in touchwith Stand Alone to register your software. You can register with us by severaldifferent methods.You will need to include the following information, no matter how you choose toregister. Most importantly, you need to include your name EXACTLY as it isentered in your Newton, including spaces. We use this to generate your password,so it must be precise. You will need to specify which programs you wish toregister, and include payment for each of them. We accept Visa, Mastercard, andAmerican Express. If you are using normal mail, you can send us a check as well.Make sure to include your card number, the expiration date, and what type of cardyou are using. You also need to give us a way to get in touch with you. Email isthe preferred way, followed by your address and phone number. An Email address isnot strictly necessary, but it will result in much faster service.For instant gratification, register by phone, and pay using Visa or Mastercard.To do so, call (773) 477-2492 and we will give you a password right over thephone.Alternatively, you can send us a check to the address below.You can also Email us one of several ways. The application has a Register sectionunder the button. Tap on that to open up a registration slip. If you fill outthat slip, and have an Email client on your Newton, it will automatically Emailus and we will send you a registration code.You could also just Email us therelevant information from your Newton or a desktop machine, and weÕll send you acode. If you are registering through Compuserve, use, GO SWREG # *****.Once you register, you will receive a password from us. You can install thispassword one of two ways. There is an option to Enter Password under the menu.Tap on it to bring up a screen that has a space to enter the password.Alternativly, just install the SA Register package enclosed in the Super NotePadarchive. Select ÒSuper NotePadÓ from the pop-up menu at the top, and enter thepassword. You should get a message confirming the password. Afterwords, you mayremove the SAS Register application from you Newton.1.3 Contacting Stand Alone Inc.There are several ways to get in touch with us here at Stand Alone, Inc. Emailis the preferred form of communication, but whatever works for you is fine. Ifyou have any questions, comments, suggestions or compliments, please don'thesitate to contact us through any of the methods listed below.1.3.1 Hours of BusinessStand Alone is open from 9 AM to 7 PM Monday to Thursday, 9 AM to 6 PM Friday,and 10 AM to 4 PM Saturday. We are Closed on Sunday. These times are CST and GMT - Email: internet: AOL: Std AloneCompuServe: 76342,30571.3.3 Phone: Voice: (773) 477-2492 Fax: (773) 477-25791.3.4 Regular Mail: Stand Alone 3171 N. Hudson, Suite 1 Chicago, IL, 60657,USA1.3.5 World Wide Web: 2 InstallationThe first thing that you need to do to get your software up and running is toinstall it on your Newton. To do this, you need to have Newton Backup Utility, orNewton Connection Utilites, set up to talk to your Newton. If you have problemswith this part of the installation, pleast contact consult the documentationthat came with your Newton. Once Newton Backup Utility is set up, just follow thesteps listed below to for each of the packages you wish to install.1. Open the Newton Backup Utility , or Newton Connection Utilties on yourDesktop machine.2. On your Newton, go to the Extras Drawer and tap the Connection icon .3. Once the Newton Backup Utility has loaded on your desktop machine, make sureyour cables are connected and tap the button on your Newton.4. For each of the packages you wish to install, do the following:¥ Tap the Install Package button in the Newton Backup Utility¥ Go to the folder where your packages are, and select the desired package.¥ Click on the ÒInstallÓ button 3 Special InstructionsThere are a few situations that require special attention with Super NotePad.3.1 The NotePad is the NewtonÕs BackdropIf you are using the NotePad as the NewtonÕs Backdrop, then you need to restartyour Newton after installing Super NotePad. You perform a restart by pressing thebutton on the back of the Newton. This type of restart will not erase data onyour Newton. For more information on the various types of restarts, please referto the Stand Alone FAQ, which can be found at Updating Super NotePad From an Earlier VersionIf you are updating Super NotePad from a previous version, then you should removethe old version before installing the new version on your Newton. This is done bygoing to the Super NotePad preferences under the button and selecting Remove.When you remove Super NotePad from the Newton, you will be given the option toupdate the Notes soups. If you are installing a new version of Super NotePad, youdo not need to update the soups. If you are removing Super NotePad for good andnot replacing it with a new version, then you will need to update the soups.3.3 The Newton Slows Down When Deleting NotesThis sometimes happens on some MessagePad 2000 machines. To solve this, go to thePreferences menu under the button, and check the Disable Delete animation checkbox.3.4 SoupsSuper NotePad makes certain modifications to the NotePad soup and to each note.These are benign, and are removed when Super NotePad is deleted.3.5 Do Not Freeze Super NotePad Because Super NotePad modifies the NewtonÕs soups, it should never be frozen. Super NotePad should either remain unfrozen on your Newton, or removed entirely.4 The Super NotePad Control Bars After Super NotePad has been installed, youwill see an immediate change in the NotePad. The enhancement bar appears on thetop of the screen, and has a number of features included. The top bar is theNavigation Bar, and the lower one is the Font Bar. These let you move easilybetween your notes and control the style of text that is used in a note.4.1 Closing the BarThe Navigation Bar can be closed to give you the maximum amount of screen space.Each of the two lines of the Enhancement Bar can be closed individually bytapping on the far left edge of the Bar on the section with the heavy diagonallines. Tapping on that space causes the Bar to withdraw up into the date line. Toopen the Bar, just tap on the diagonal line section of the date line4.2 Date LineThis displays the current date and time, and if Super NotePad is unregistered,the number of days left until it expires. If you tap on this and Super NotePad isunregistered, then the registration screen pops up. If Super NotePad isregistered, then the NewtonÕs clock pops up when it is tapped 4.3 Go To FirstNoteThis arrow brings you to the first note in the NotePad4.4 Go To Last NoteThis arrow brings you to the last note in the NotePad4.5 Styles PaletteWhen tapped, it brings up the built in styles palette where you set thecharacteristics of the NotePad text.4.6 Notes in Current FolderThis picker contains a list of all the notes in the current folder. Notes visibleon the screen are checked, and you can move to any note by tapping on it.4.7 TitlesWhen tapped, this picker displays a list of all notes with titles. You can go toany note by tapping it. Selecting Sort by Title arranges all of the notesalphabetically by title rather then by date..4.8 RecentThis picker has a list of all of your recent notes. Tap on any of theses todisplay it. You can set the number of notes in the Recent picker through thePrefs section.4.9 FontThe current NotePad font is displayed here. If tapped, it displays a list of allof the fonts on your Newton. Tap on any of these to change the font.4.10 Style You can set the style of the font from this picker. Just tap on thedesired style to select it.4.11 Font SizeThis line displays the current font size. Tap on it to bring up a list of all theavailable font sizes. To change the font size, just select the desired size fromthe picker.4.12 Previous NoteThe solid up arrow takes you one note back in the NotePad.4.13 Next NoteThe solid down arrow takes you one note forward in the NotePad.4.14 Scroll UpThe hollow up arrow scrolls up by half a screen.4.15 Scroll DownThe hollow down arrow scrolls down by half a screen.4.16 Folder TabThe folder tab works just as it normally would, but it includes new options.4.16.1 Protekt If you are in any folder except All Notes and Unfiled Notes,you can set a password to protect the folderÕs contents. This option will notappear if All Notes or Unfiled Notes are selected. When Protect is selected, ascreen where you set the password appears.Once you enter a password, you will be asked to enter it again to make sure thatit is entered correctly. Once the password is set, you will have to enter itevery time you want to access the protekted folder. To unprotekt a folder, selectthe Unprotekt option under the Folder Tab. It will ask you for the password, andthen give you the option to enter a new password. You can enter a new password,or tap the No Password button to disable the Protekt function.4.6.2 Filters The other major difference in the Folder Tab menu is that inSuper NotePad, it gives you access to your filters. For information on filters,please see section 6.2.5 Super NotePadÕs Note HeaderWhen using Super NotePad, each note has a header line that contains many featuresthat apply only to the current note. By tapping and holding the title line, youcan drag the entire note to a different position on the screen.5.1 Information iconIf you tap here, an information screen about the note pops up. It tells you thetype of note, the date and time it was created, the size of the note, and wherethe note is stored. Also, most importantly, this is where you rename a note.5.2 Scroll ArrowsTapping on these brings up a set of scroll bars for the specific note. Slidingthe tab on the bar changes the viewed area of the note.5.3 FolderThis button acts just as it normally would on your Newton.5.4 The Action ButtonThe Action button has a number of new features that are specific to SuperNotePad. All of these actions are specific to the current note. To perform these actionsto a different note, you must select the desired note first, and then perform theaction.5.4.1 EncryptThis is an encryption option that helps keep your notes private. It is not acomplex encryption scheme, but it does make it significantly more difficult toaccess a note. To encrypt a note, tap on Encrypt option under the Action menu andthe Encrypt note screen appears.Enter a name for the note that you wish to encrypt on the title line. Next, entera numbered password into the password space and tap the Encrypt button. You willthen be asked to enter the password a second time, to verify that it is enteredcorrectly. Tap Encrypt again, and the note is then Encrypted. If you try and openan encrypted note, it will tell you that it is encrypted and ask you for thepassword. Enter the correct password when asked, and the note will open asnormal. You also have the option to re-encrypt the note after it opens, or leaveit un-encrypted.5.4.2 Instant Filter If you tap this button, it creates a filter based on thecharacteristics of the note. For example, take a note that is filed underBusiness, and has Tag 1 attached to it. Tapping Instant Filter creates a filterthat would look for notes both filed under Business and with Tag 1 attached.5.4.3 Remove Note Title Tapping this removes the noteÕs title and replaces itwith the date the note was created.5.4.4 Lock Note Locking a note makes it so the contents of the note cannot bechanged. When this is selected, it gives you the option to enter a password forthe locked note. If you enter a password, then the note cannot be unlocked unlessthe password is entered.If you enter a password, you will be asked to enter it again to confirm that itis correct. From then on, you need to enter the password before you can modifythe contents of the note. You can also choose to lock the note without a passwordby leaving the password line blank and tapping the Lock button. To unlock thenote, tap on the action button, and choose the unlock option. It will ask youfor the password, and then let you unlock the note.5.4.5 Set Alarm Set Alarm lets you set an alarm. Tapping on Set Alarm bringsup a calendar and clock where you set the alarm.When you have selected the day and time for the alarm, tap the Set button to setit. You also have the option to bring up the specific note when the alarm goesoff. If this box is checked, a dialog box with the text of the note opens whenthe alarm goes off.5.4.6 Select All Tapping this option selects all of the text on a note.5.4.7 Move Note You can move the date of a note with this action. Tapping herebrings up a calendar screen.To move the note, tap on the day where you want the note to go. Tap the Todaybutton to set the note to the current day. Tap the Original Date button to returnthe note to the day when it was created.5.4.8 Add To Do Selecting this option coverts the note to a To Do task.Tapping this option brings up a menu where you set the date for the new To Do.Tapping the Today button dates the To Do for the current date. If you select theDelete Original Note check box, then the note will be deleted when it isconverted to a To Do, otherwise it will still be in the NotePad. When you havemade you decisions, tap Create To Do to turn then note to a To Do Task Checklistsand outlines are turned into multiple tasks, while text notes become singletasks.5.5 Multiple File Button The multiple file button is used to file a note is more than one folder at once.To file the note, check off all the folders where you want to file the note. Then, tap the File button. It is important to understand the Multiple Filing Slip does not make copies of the note when it files it. If you delete the note in one of the locations, the note is delete from the Newton for good. 6 Tags and Filters Super NotePad has two special features that make iteasy to perform fast searches through your notes.6.1 TagsTags are labels that make it easier to perform searches. When searching, theNewton looks for tags given to a note that the Newton can look for whensearching. To create tags and attach them to notes, follow the proceduredetailed below. When you tap on the Tags button, a screen appears that containsa number of choices for the note.After you have assigned a tag to a note, the menu will move to the opposite edgeof the screen, and it will have more options6.1.1 Filter List The top section contains a list of all the filters contained in the Newton. If you select one of them, the note will be tagged withthe tags associated with the filter. Also, if the filter only has one folder, thenote will be filed in the folder associated with the filter.6.1.2 Assigning Tags The middle section contains tags that you have created.If any of the tags have a check next to them, then they are assigned to thatparticular note. To attach a tag to a note, just tap on the tag you wish toattach, and a check mark will appear. To remove a tag from a note, reverse theprocess by tapping on a checked tag to make the check mark disappear.6.1.3 Clearing Tags The last section lets you clear or edit tags. Choosing theClear Tag option removes all tags the current note.6.1.4 Editing tags Edit tags lets you change and remove individual tags, orcreate new ones. When you tap on this, a screen appears with each of your tagslisted.If you tap on one of your current tags, you will have the option of renaming orremoving the tag.To rename a tag, replace the old name with the new one. To remove the tag fromthe list, tap the remove button. Tapping the New button lets you name a new tag.Tapping Remove removes the newly created tag before it reaches the list.6.2 FiltersSuper NotePad lets you design your own filters to speed your searches throughyour notes. To understand how filters work, start by tapping on the folder tab.When the folder tab is tapped, youÕll see a list of all the folders on theNewton. In many ways, filters work just like the NewtonÕs folders. You start withthe option All Notes, which displays all of the notes in the NotePad. To help youorganize your notes, you can files them different places, such as Business, orPersonal. Then, when you open a folder, you donÕt have to look through all ofyour notes at once, but only the ones that are filed together in the same folder.Filters work much the same way. They limit the notes you are searching through,so you can find what you need faster. They not only limit searches by what foldera note is filed under, but they can also search by any tags that are attached toa note.When you set up a filter, you go through the following steps. First, you need toselect the Edit Filters choice under the Folder Tab, and the Edit Filters windowwill appear.When you are working in that window, you first need to name the filter. If you donot want to work with an existing filter, you may choose to start a new filter bytapping the New button. You can also jump between the different on your Newton byselecting the filter you wish to view with the Filter Name picker. To enter a newname for the filter, tap the Rename button.Once you have selected the filter with which you are working, you need to definethe filterÕs characteristics. When defining the characteristics of the filter,there are two parts of the definition. The first part gives you the choices ofare filed in, are not filed in, and can be filed in.The second part of the definition is where you set what folders or tags areincluded. You may also have more than one definition in the same filter, tofurther limit the search.As an example, say you want to search for notes filed under Personal. You can doseveral different things. First, you can just go to the Folders Tab and selectPersonal. A second way would be to use a filter. You would select a new filter,and give it a name. Then, you would set the definition to Are filed in Personal.Close the window and tap on the folder tab. Select the filter, and it will showall the notes in Personal.Filters are more powerful when combined with Tags. You can place tags on anynumber of notes, in any folder. Say for example, you tag notes with a tag calledTag 1. You then place some notes in the Business folder, some in the Personalfolder, and leave some unfiled. You can then create a filter with the definitionof Are tagged with Tag 1. This filter then will find all notes with Tag 1. .You can also further limit the search by adding a second definition. Say, forexample, you only want the notes that are tagged with Tag 1 in the Personal file,or are unfiled. You would then add a second line the filter by tapping MoreChoices. You decide to set the second line to say Are not filed in Business. Thisfilter then returns all the notes that are tagged with Tag 1, and are not in theBusiness folder.You can remove a filter from the Newton at any time with the Remove button.One last way to set up filters is to use the Can Be choice in the definitionline. Can Be is used to have a filter search through multiple folders. It isespecially useful because a note can only be filed under one folder. Say that youwant to search for all notes filed under Business or Personal. Setting up thefilter with Are filed under Personal and Are filed under Business wonÕt show anynotes. This is because it tells the filter to show all the notes filed in boththe Business and Personal folders. Because a note can only be filed in one folderat a time, the filter shows no notes. Set the filter to Can Be filed underPersonal and Can Be filed under Business, and it shows all the notes in bothfolders.7 Super NotePad Preferences The Preferences screen gives you a number of waysto customize Super NotePad to suit your needs. The Super NotePad Preferencesscreen is found under the button.7.1 Store Notes InternallyIf this is checked, all new notes will be stored in internal memory.7.2 Default Note is . . .This line sets the default note for the various folders in your Newton. The topline ÒThe default note for . . .Ó selects which folder you are setting thedefault note for. The second line Òis. . .Ó sets the type of default note for thespecific folder chosen in line one. Each folder type may have a different defaultnote. If you choose a folder with no notes, a new note of the default type iscreated.7.3 Show All button in the overview status barThis includes the Show All button in the overview status bar. If tapped, thisbutton selects all of the notes visible in the overview screen.7.4 Always re-encrypt notes after viewingWhen this is checked, notes are always re-encrypted when they are viewed.7.5 Show keyboard in encrypted notesThis automatically pops up a keyboard when you are asked to enter an encryptedpassword.7.6 Number of Notes in RecentThis picker sets the number of notes under the Recent selector in the NavigationBar between 5 and 50.7.7 Left Hand ControlsIf checked, it will reverse the controls in the Navigation bar so that thenote-to-note scroll arrows are on the left hand side.7.8 Show sub-folders when viewing parent folderIf More Folders is installed, then this lets you see all of a folderÕssub-folders when you view the main folder.7.9 Disable ÒDeleteÓ animationIf you are using a MP 2000 and it slows down when deleting a note, this willsolve the problem by disabling the animation..7.10 Sort recent notes most recent to oldestIf this is checked, it sorts the notes in the Recent Notes picker from theyoungest note to the oldest.7.11 Make notes recent by viewingIf this is checked, then for the purposes of the Recent Notes picker, a noteÕsdate is determined by when it was last viewed, rather than when it was created.7.12 DonÕt prompt for password when locking.This option makes it so you are not asked for a password when you lock a note.7.13 Show ÒRecentÓ notes button in BackdropThis creates a button that when tapped pops up a list of all your recent notes.If you select a note from the list, the note will open.7.14 Update buttonThis is used if you are updating Super NotePad from an older version. Tappingthis is the last step of the installation process.7.15 RemoveThis button erases Super NotePad from your Newton. It cannot be undone, so besure that you want to do it. 7.16 Show Multiple Filing Button If this option is checked, the Multiple Filing button is shown in the Note Header. For more information on the Multiple Filing button, please see Section One Line Overview ItemsWhen this item is selected, all the notes in the overview screen will be shown in a one line format, instead of the normal two line format.