PromptPad .98 Ê Created by Hansel Chung with the ideas and suggestions of the people on the PDADash Discussion Boards. PromptPad was designed as a teleprompting package for the Apple Newton MessagePad. It has been tested on a MessagePad 2000. It's purpose is to scroll the Notes application at a designated rate. Compact, simple, and easy to use, PromptPad makes your Newton the perfect note card for presenting speeches. To use PromptPad: 1) Write out your speech on the Notes application. 2) Run the PromptPad package. 3) Press "Start" to go. 4) Press "Stop" to stop. It's that easy! At any time, you can change the scrolling speed by moving the small slider back and forth. "Scroll Up" and "Scroll Down" are to scroll the Notes app's pages quickly. You can also use the buttonbar's normal scroll buttons too. PromptPad also includes a speech timer located on the statusbar of Notes. It tells the length of time in Hours:Minutes:Seconds. The "Pause Scrolling" button appears while scrolling. Pressing it stops scrolling while letting the timer run on. Pressing either "Stop" or "Unpause Scrolling" will stop the timer or resume scrolling, respectively. The "Hide PPad" will hide PromptPad's main control panel, which by the way is draggable, and allow the scrolling to continue. Pressing that same button again will show the controls again. The normal overview button on the buttonbar works as well. If any of you using this feels that I've done a decent job on PromptPad, I, ahem, urge you to please send me a few dollars in the mail to help me. :) This was my first major Newton programming project. I'm in high school. Help me! :) Okay, you don't have to send me anything. But if you do actually want to, here's my address: Hansel Chung 5988 Porto Alegre Dr. San Jose, CA 95120 Thank you for reading this! Copyright 1998(c) OrbiTech Technologies