PunctPad v3.01 I've listened to the users and tossed in a few ideas of my own! Version 3.01 (10/25/98) - adds the ability to reorganize the 'text' button's text list: Tap the 'Text' button and select "Edit list..." Select the text you want to move by tapping on it, then use the up/down buttons to move the text where you want it. Version 3.0: New layout: - Three switchable keyboards accessed from a tab button: 1. S (Standard view) is the basic set of PunctPad keys, five of which are user defined! 2. U (User view) consists of a set of double ", (), etc. PLUS 15 user-defined keys! 3. N (Numeric view) consists of numbers, number-related keys and four more user-defined keys. This gives a total of 24 user-defined keys! (PunctPad can be set to start with any one of the above three views via preferences.) - PunctPad can now be expanded to show the numeric keyboard or shrunk to a more compact size. - The positioning buttons can be set to the left or right of the app. (set this in preferences). - The distance PunctPad stays below the caret is now adjustable (set this in preferences). New or improved keys: - All keys now work with the NewtonWorks word processor! - New "NoSpaces" button removes spaces from highlighted text. - The Hilite button now works like mouse clicks in a word processor: One, two or three taps in quick succession highlights a word, paragraph or all text! (I like this one!) - New up, down, left, right cusor keys in Inverted "T" shape. - A new keyboard button pops up a list of the builtin Newton keyboards: typewriter, numeric, phone, time/date, Styles palette and User Dictionary. - Adding text to the "text" button is easier: Hilite the text, and select "Add hilited text" from the "text" button's popup list and your selection is automatically added. You will hear a "plunk" sound confirming the addition or a "poof" sound if no text was hilited. - Cut and Pste (the word "Paste" did not fit in the button) popup buttons. - You can now make PunctPad less wide via the "Shrink" option in the "i" button. This gives you a palette of only the most basic keys but includes all of the editing buttons. To create your user-defined keys: Open up Punctpad preferences and tap the "Edit Keys" button. The "User-defined Keys" view will appear and consists of three sets of keys. The top group of five keys are for the Standard view, the middle group of 15 keys are for the User view, the bottom four are for the Numeric view. Add in any text onto the input area, then tap on the key that will type it. The key will now have your text. Add blank text to clear a key. Note: A blank key will still type a space.