PassGenRThis is a small, simple little routine I wrote to generate random passwords. It is free, use & distribute as you like. There are no warranties or guarantees associated with this programme.Install it with your favourite installation method. It should work with any version of Newton that uses NOS 2.0, although I have only tested it on an MP2100 and an eMate.When you first run it, PassGenR will open defaulted to generate passwords 8 characters long, composed of lower case letters and numbers. You can toggle the following options on and off: Upper case characters; lower case characters; numbers; symbols, and dictionary words. Note that if you select Dictionary Words, the other four options will be ignored. You can set the length of the password to be any size between 4 and 18 (For Dictionary Words, passwords over 12 characters may generate blanks, either keep hitting Generate or select a shorter password length). You can enter an alphanumeric seed string if you desire. This will set your Newton's random seed, and you will always get the same password for a given seed value. Leave 'Seed String' blank for virtually random passwords. When the settings are the way you like them, just tap the Generate! button, and a random password will be displayed. You can select this and copy it to the clipboard, to paste it into another application if you like. The Clear button resets the Seed String field and erases the Generated Password field.Tap on the 'Last 5' button to view the last 5 passwords issued. They are displayed in descending order, with the most recent password at the top. Tap on one of the 5 displayed passwords to move it back up into the 'Generated Password' field, where you can then select it if you want to copy & paste it elsewhere.Upper case includes all letters except I and O.Lower case includes all letters but l and o.Numerics are 0 - 9.Symbols are ! @ # $ % ^ & - + = ~ . ; :Dictionary Words are chosen randomly from your Newton's internal word list.Known bugs: - Entering certain symbols by themselves in Seed String will generate an error. Stick to letters and numbers to avoid it. Version History:1.0 27 December 2001Released source code, officially 'finished' for now.0.6 16 December 2001Changes: 'Clip' button was removed. I can't figure out how to automatically move the value to the clipboard without making it a NOS 2.1 program, and I don't want to abandon users of NOS 2.0 so the feature will be left out.Known Bugs: Entering a Seed Value consisting of only certain symbols will create an error message. Just stick to letters and / or numbers for the Seed Value.0.5 14 December 2001Changes: Last 5 popup can now be selected to move chosen password into 'Generated Password' field, for selection.0.4 12 December 2001Changes: Removed the P->S button. PassGenR now remembers its settings between sessions. Added Popup button to display last 5 passwords.0.3 12 December 2001Bugs fixed: Two bugs relating to the seed text were remedied (symbols-only seeds, and seeds which were erased by any means other than the 'Clear' button would cause error messages when Generating passwords).Other changes: Added checkbox for dictionary words. If checked, PassGenR will produce randomly selected words of the required length, selected from the Newton's built-in dictionary.0.2 12 December 2001Bugs fixed: When no # characters was selected, Generate! created an error message; fixed this by going to protoNumberPicker. When first opened, it was almost off the screen; fixed this and changed basic view to protoDragNGo.Other changes: Some cosmetic changes. Added Seed Text field. Added P->S button. NOS 2.0 required now, I'm afraid. Use version 0.1 if you use NOS version 1.x. Also, added a couple new symbols ~ . ; :0.1 11 December 2001Initial release.Send bug reports, suggestions, accolades, or awards, to: steph@maksystems.comVisit for the latest version or for other Newton information and software.