Super Sorter v1.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------copyright 1995 Stand Alone, Inc. & Erik Wiessmann* What's it do?--------------------------------------------------------------------- Super Sorter is a listing application which sorts through lists. Features include: * Fast access to long lists * Alphabetizing of lists by any category. * Completely customize each list. * As many lists as you need. * Conversion of Notion Lists * Dropping lists from the notepad. * Printing, Faxing, Mailing Lists. * Requirements--------------------------------------------------------------------- Super Sorter needs Newton Operating system 1.3 or later (it will work on MessagePad 100s, MessagePad 110s, and MessagePad 120s, but has not been tested on Original MessagePads or Sharp ExpertPads.) It also needs about 85k of free storage space, plus space to store your lists.* What's in this archive?--------------------------------------------------------------------- There are four Newton software packages and three text files in this archive. They are:* SuperSrt.txt document you're now reading. 'Nuff said.* SuperSrt.pkg software package you'll install on your Newton.* SSUtil.pkg utilities to be used with Super Sorter* Register.txt read me file describing the Register software.* Register.pkg software package you can install on your Newton to use Register, which will allow you to pay for Super Sorter via email.* Installing Super Sorter--------------------------------------------------------------------- First off, obviously, you must get the Super Sorter software package onto your Newton. You can do this using the Newton Connection Kit (for Mac or Windows), the Newton Package Downloader, or the Newton Package Installer. See the documentation with each of these for more information on installing packages.* Using Super Sorter--------------------------------------------------------------------- Super Sorter is a fast list manager which lets you customize as many lists as you desire. The first time you open Super Sorter, a screen will appear titled "All Lists." From this screen you can create lists, delete entire lists, duplicate lists, and move lists to or from your card. To create a list, tap on the button titled "New List." Enter the list's name on the line in the dialog then tap the "Add" button. To cancel, you can tap the close box. To view or modify a list, tap on the list name. The selected list will be hilited. This list can be deleted, duplicated or moved via the Action Button in the status bar. To view the list you can either tap the list name again, tap the "Goto List" Button, or tap the Overview Button. When you select a list to view, the Newton will either display a setup window or your list. The setup window will appear if the list does not have a "List Type" or the "List Type" is invalid. New Lists never have a list type. The List Type can be whatever you choose. There are several defined list types supplied for you. To select a supplied list type, tap the diamond next to "List Type." Then choose a list type. To create you own list type, write the name on the line. Tap the diamond and select "Add List Type". To Add and Delete items to your List Type use the bottom two buttons. These items represent columns in your list. Each item has a name and a type. Name your items, and select their appropriate type (text/number/date/checkbox^). Once your done creating a list type, tap the close box. To Get to the preferences tap on the 'i' button and select prefs. The checkbox decides whether or not there is a button in the Status Bar. This button is used to both import text from the notepad and to quickly open lists. The slider controlls the amount of input lines are on your Newton. The List Type can be whatever you choose. There are several defined list types supplied for you. To select a supplied list type, tap the diamond next to "List Type." Then choose a list type. To create you own list type, write the name on the line. Tap the diamond and select "Add List Type". To Add and Delete items to your List Type use the bottom two buttons. These items represent columns in your list. Each item has a name and a type. Name your items, and select their appropriate type (text/number/date/checkbox^). Once your done creating a list type, tap the close box.NOTE: If you are creating a list type for Super Sorter 1.0 lists, make sure you have at least 4 columns, and that the first four columns are NOT of type checkbox. When you are viewing the list you can do any of the following: Create new items, Print/Fax/Mail/Delete the entire list, Copy the list to the Notepad, Replace Text, Encrypt the list, View/Duplicate/Delete/Move a single item in the list, hide/delete/uncheck checked items, sort the list, expand/colapse columns or total columns of numbers, scroll horizontally/vertically through lists, enter preferences, and/or view all of your lists. -To Create a New Item in the list tap the "New Item" Button. A new screen will appear from which you can enter the data for your list. If you have a lot of columns, you can scroll through them with the arrows. This screen also has a scrolling notes section at the bottom of the screen. Tap the Close box to view the list, or the "New Item" Button to create another new item. You can scroll through items in you list with the arrows on the Newton. From this point, you can also file list items with the filing button, or Delete, Duplicate, or Move the item with the Action Button. -To Print, Fax, Mail, Delete, Copy a list to notes select the appropriate choice in from the Action Button. -To replace text in you list, select "Replace Text" from the Action Menu. In the New Window choose which columns to search. Write what words to search for, then enter their replacement. Finally, tap the Modify Button. -To encrypt a list select "Encrypt List" from the Action Menu. Enter a numeric key on the displayed line. Tap the "Encrypt List" button to encrypt the list. WARNING: Keep a record of your key because you can not view the list again without the key. -To View, Duplicate, Delete, or Move a single item in the list, simply choose the appropriate choice in from the Action Button. -To hide, delete, or uncheck checked items select the appropriate choice in from the Action Button. These options are only available when you have checkbox fields in your list. Select the fields you wish to hide, delete, or uncheck and tap the appropriate button. To show a hidden field select the hide option from the Action Menu. Select no fields to hide and tap the "Hide" button. -To sort a list tap on the column header. -To expand a list column, tap on the column header and move your pen to the right. -To total a column of numbers, tap on the column header and hold until you hear a squeak. Release and the total will be displayed. -To scroll sideways through a list tap on the white section of the bar at the bottom of the screen. Move the bar right/left and release. This is only available if the list is actually wider than the Newton's screen. -To enter the preferences tap on the 'i' Button and select preferences. -To view all lists or switch lists, tap the List Button and select the appropriate choice. -To import Notion Lists, load SSUtils. Tap the add Notion Lists Button. Select the list. - To add frequently entered items to the pickers in the Entry view write the text to be added on the line. Tap on the label. Tap "Add".Filing - You can file each item in a list in any of the systems folders. View the item and tap on the filing button in the status bar.* It's Shareware--------------------------------------------------------------------- What's this mean? It means that you gotta pay for it if you like it. There is a 30 day free trial period, after thirty days the package will stop working. You lists remain in storage even if you remove Super Sort. There are instructions for registering accessible via the info button. * Registering Super Sorter--------------------------------------------------------------------- You have a 30 day trial period in which to examine Super Sorter, during which it will function fully. Should you wish to register, you'll need to do one of the following: * Call 312-262-5150 to order with a credit card. * Send us a check for $20 to: Stand Alone 1146 Morse Ave., #3C Chicago, IL, 60626, USA * Using CompuServe, GO SWREG and register ID # 6952 However you register, PLEASE be sure to include an email address (it's not vital, but it will result in MUCH quicker service) and your name, as entered in the Prefs -> Personal section of your Newton. If you've got a Newton with 2.0, go to your User Info, and look at your name there. This name is used to generate the password we send you to unlock Super Sorter, so it has to be exact. Once you register, you will receive a password from us. To use it, install the SAS Register package (also enclosed in the Super Sorter archive), select "Super Sorter" from the pop up menu at the top, and enter the password. You should get a message confirming the password. You may then remove the SAS Register application from you Newton.* Contacting us--------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions regarding Super Sorter, or any other Stand Alone Newton application, please don't hesitate to contact us: Web Page: Email: internet: (<-- preferred) AOL: StdAlone CompuServe: 76342,3057 Phone: Voice: (773) 477-2492 Fax: (773) 477-2579 Regular Mail: Stand Alone 3171 N. Hudson Ave, Suite 1 Chicago, IL, 60657, USA * Special Thanks--------------------------------------------------------------------- I'd like to thank the following people for their invaluable assistance in testing Super Sorter: Ashley Barnard Marc Field Jason Grazado Gary Greco Steve Holden Serg Koren Scott Leapman Steve Lewis Hardy Macia Dave Nanian Scott Silverman Ben Gottlieb Kate Sepp * Version History---------------------------------------------------------------------1.2 Feb 16, 1996 Third Release. Larger entry fields. FASTER. Renamed Prefs to List Setup. Made New Prefs window. New Scrolling in detailed view. 1.1 Dec 29, 1995 Second Release. Supports any number of fields (rather than 4 fixed fields) Sideways Scrolling (for long items) Added a notepad button for Newton 2.0 Scrolling Notes Field Added several types of fields: checkbox number text date 1.0 Oct 1, 1995 First public release