AMIGO User’s Guide for AMIGO Version 2.0

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Setting options for the scramble puzzle.


The scramble puzzle is a way that you can practice your vocabulary. When a scramble puzzle is created, words in the target language are hidden in a table of letters. Your challenge is to locate the words in the table. Hints are given in the source


   You have control over the words that are used in the puzzle. You can control the words used in the puzzle in two ways. You can select the maximum number of letters used in each word in the puzzle and you can avoid any special words - no medical or computer terms used in the puzzle. Your option for the maximum length of words is 4, 5, 8, 10, or an unlimited number of letters. Tap on the desired number of letters in the words used in the scramble puzzle. Tap the “No Special Words” box to limit the use of special words in the puzzle.

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